Archive for
October 2007
Greek Festival and Anderson County Fair
We had a lot of fun this weekend. Mom and Dad came up on Saturday; we took them to see the house we are trying to buy (Dad was a little dismayed at the amount of work we will be taking on) and we went to Anderson's second annual Greek Festival. There wasn't much to look at or do, but we did make sure to fill our bellies with gyros and plenty of baklava. The admission was free, so I would say it was worth it to go if only just for the food!! David bought a cookie called Finikia from the little bakery there; it was delicious. I am going to try to make some for our Christmas celebration coming up this weekend. I did think it was neat that there were some young folk in there teens and twenties there performing traditional Greek dances. It's always nice to see that there are other youngsters out there interested in their heritage and the traditions of that heritage.
Sunday night we went to the Anderson County Fair. That was really interesting, especially since this is the first time I remember going to a fair. They had contests there for photography, painting, quilting, cooking, sewing, crocheting/knitting, and gardening. Oh yeah, and contests in livestock, poultry and rabbits. We saw that someone had submitted squash pickles into the canning contest. Doesn't that sound yummy?!! I guess they can't be much different than regular pickles. Anyhow...David went on a ride called the "Fireball", which seats about twenty people. You get spun around in a circle (quite quickly might I add) while the long arm to which the seats are attached swings you up in the air. I got sick just watching it, so I turned my back and prayed David was ok. I don't know how people can ride those things!!
We wasted money on a haunted house ride, a caramel apple, funnel cake and large soda, but we both had a lot of fun! Although, I am extremely disappointed that David failed to play any games and win a prize for me...J.K.! As we were getting ready to go to bed, David expressed that fairs just weren't the same anymore now that he's grown up. I asked, "Why? Because you can't run around like a hoodlum spending a lot of someone else's money?" He said, smiling, "Yeah, pretty much!" Ahhh...how the responsibility of being an adult ruins everything! Wink, wink.
I took some pictures of the birds that were at the fair. I have never seen chickens or any other bird for that matter with feathers covering their feet. I hope you guys can make out some of the photos. I'm still learning how to properly use the new camera dad got for us.
Camping II
I forgot to mention that David managed to get Poison Ivy on his arms and legs...lol...that boy is just destined for that stuff!!
Here are some photos from our camping trip last weekend. We all had a lot of fun, and it was really nice to be able to spend some "quiet" time with family. We went camping at the Stone Mountain Park campground and went to their little fall festival on Saturday. The girls had a good time making popcorn balls, silly putty, and painting pumpkins. Somehow, I managed to not get any pictures of the fun they had. Oh well... Erin has some posted on her blog.
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