Emmaline's Birthday

Here are some photos from Emmaline's birthday. We stayed pretty low-key this year. The kids ate cupcakes for breakfast, followed by an omelet made by master-chef Daddy. We let Emmaline open up some of her presents before going to church. However, we held back the toys for later, figuring that giving her those presents before church then refusing to let her play with them til later would just be torture to her. So, Emmaline got to open the boxes of her birthday outfits instead. She took her time opening them and wasn't super thrilled about the contents, but that's the way it goes with children. After church we met up with my parents who came up for the day, we had lunch then got Emmaline's Three-Year-Old pictures taken.

After that excitement we headed to a paint-your-own pottery place. David helped Emmaline pick out a bowl for painting, I pulled the colors she chose, then helped her with the finishing touches after she was done painting. Her bowl won't be glazed and fired until this coming Monday. It will be really neat to see how it turns out! Towards the end of the painting session both kids started melting down, so my Father and David took Ian home while Mom and I finished up with Emmaline. Home we headed afterward for a lovely dinner and more present opening. Emmaline got a few Hot Wheels tracks from her Daddy along with some cars, and I got her a baby doll she can play with. So far she has played a lot with both gifts, so David and I are pleased that we didn't waste our money. It was a really nice day, though Emmaline still doesn't quite understand that she had her birthday that day, and she is officially three years old. I'm sure it will sink in gradually; growing older is hard work!

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